Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Filter Frustrations...

Well, today was my first jaunt into attempting to filter a product. Didn't turn out so well.

I attempted to run my metheglin, codenamed Druid's Delight, through a sanitized coffee filter in order to maximize the yield and minimize the loss from the re-racking. It was a horrible failure. I underestimated how quick coffee filters clog up and only succeeded in mixing all of the settled sediment back into the carboy.

Overall, no big deal. I'll just have to rack it again sooner than later.

Moving on to how it tastes. It's much dryer than my previous meads. The best way I can describe it is that it has an elixir feel to it. It warms the body as soon as it's ingested.

Recipe is here: http://www.food.com/recipe/celtic-druids-honey-mead-meade-metheglin-216215

I substituted the yeast for a packet of champagne yeast. Other than that, the recipe was followed as listed.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

And It Begins!

Well, never had a blog before so I figured that this would be the subject that would keep me posting somewhat frequently.

No, my name is not actually Urzen Harclay. This is the alias that I use in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). Why am I zesty? Because life is too short not to be.

This blog will follow my and my soon to be wife's endeavors in the world of home brewing as we make an assortment of ales, meads, and other concoctions which range from modern day recipes to SCA period recreations.
